My name is Clinton and live and sell beer in Ottawa, Ontario. Oh, and since 2017, for fun, I’ve decided to try and track down and read and study and explain everything I can get my hands on about Canadian media studies pioneer Marshall McLuhan!  Having Canada’s national archives in town certainly helps.  :^)

If you like video introductions, watch this:

While I loved my Communications Technology classes in high-school, and took some music production in college, I’m self-taught in media ecology. That’s a field which covers the effects of our media environments on our sensibilities and identities! I think learning to see computers for what they “really are” is a vital step in gaining a sensibility and well-calibrated proportionality to our marketer-distorted world, and began that work in my writings and video series Silicon & Charybdis, linked above. I call this Full Stack Media Ecology.

I came up with the name Concerned Netizen for my talks with Manhattan TV interviewer  Harold Channer.  Everyone else online, I’ve had the name clintonthegeek since elementary school, so that’s where you’ll find me!

If you’re interested in McLuhan stuff, then join the Marshall McLuhan Facebook Group, the biggest discussion going on the web! I’ll see you there.

You can also hit me up with an əlctr0n¡c ma¡1 to clinton at this domain name. 🙂