Full-Stack Media Ecology

Year: 2019 (Page 2 of 2)

1995 – Camille Paglia on Marshall McLuhan

I loaded up Windows 3.1 in order to run a 1995 interactive CD-ROM called Understanding McLuhan and there was an interview section featuring Camille Paglia! I searched some excerpts and apparently this interview has never been posted online before. So unless you bought this CD two decades ago, you haven’t read this! Pretty cool, eh?

Camille Paglia

Q: Could you tell us a little about your intellectual connection to Marshall McLuhan?

A: My name is Camille Paglia. I am Professor of Humanities at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, and I am the author of two books: Sexual Personae and Sex, Art and the American Culture. I consider Marshall McLuhan one of the great masters of my college years. I was in college in 1964 to 1968, at the very high point of the ‘60s revolution. Marshall McLuhan was assigned in …

Media Ecology in the OCaC II: Marshall McLuhan

Here’s the second video in my Media Ecology in the OCaC series! What follows is the shooting script and slides, and so can be read instead of watched if you are in a hurry.

Hello, and welcome back to Media Ecology for the Online Community as Classroom. This episode is called Words Words Words. So eventually want to talk about computers and the internet in light of media ecology. And to do that, we to build on the O.G. of Media Ecology, the self-described intellectual thug Marshall McLuhan. However, McLuhan famously, definitively, intrinsically, had no concepts. To ascribe “concepts” to him would be to undermine him completely. In lieu of concepts, he offered “percepts”, his way of sensing the modern electric environment. So, in order to explain McLuhan I need to retrace his life story and his learning so as …

Media Ecology for the OCaC: Introduction

I’ve decided to start a YouTube series on Media Ecology, based on my simultaneous research into Marshall McLuhan and the history of personal computing. I call it Media Ecology for the Online Community as Classroom in recognition of McLuhan’s insight that education was moving outside of schools in the information age. We are all now hunters, seeking out good information as though tracking down prey.

I hope this introductory episode sets the scene for a romp through the hidden layers of our very environment!

The rest of this post contains the text of my script and the presentation slides.

Hello! And welcome to Media Ecology for the online community as classroom. Today, right now, Billions of minds are being tethered together, all willy nilly. Billions of individuals are shaping and being shaped by one other at a rapidity with which …

A McLuhan-syntonic Approach to Computer Literacy: Toppling the Pillars of Cyberspace

On June 29th, 2019, I delivered the above presentation to the Media Ecology Association at their 20th Annual Convention in Toronto, on the U of T campus, based on this paper. Learn more about the convention at mediaethics.ca. Attempts to move the paper toward a more finalized form have resulted in sprawling additions which will require much work, however I hope the draft below suffices to entertain curiosity piqued by the video. 🙂 – Clinton, 08/02/19

This paper is undergoing a significant re-write, not least to address some typos and add more sources. Please consider it a draft in its present form. – Clinton, 02/21/19

Cyberspace is a fictional sensory environment with a traceable history. It is formally defined — much like the Euclidean space which Wyndham Lewis feared losing, and which Marshall McLuhan announced obsolete thirty years later. …

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