Since April of 2021, I’ve begun privately tutoring individuals interested in deep-reading Marshall McLuhan. It has been a rich, and rewarding experience.

I’ve been studying and piecing together his works—both published and unpublished—for several years and developing a an exegetical style for approaching his often-mystifying writing. My lifelong passion for understanding modern computing, and its history, also gives me ample room for play in applying his probes and techniques on our shared contemporary scene.

For an hour a week, we can read together any text, for which I can provide relevant context, historical references, citations, interpretations, and relations to other McLuhan works. As McLuhan who studied the techniques of the Modernist poets, such as James Joyce, it’s no exaggeration to say that nearly every line he wrote for the public is chocked full of multiple meanings. Unlike writers who intend to be obscure, McLuhan’s words are only as hard to interpret as the nuanced subjects which he strives to write about.

Don’t read third-party explanations of McLuhan, read him directly, with me!

There is an impression abroad that literary folk are fast readers. Wine tasters are not heavy drinkers. Literary people read slowly because they sample the complex dimensions and flavors of words and phrases. They strive for totality not lineality. They are well aware that the words on the page have to be decanted with the utmost skill. Those who imagine they read only for “content” are illusioned.—Marshall McLuhan, ‘Verbi-Voco-Visual’

Please inquire with an əmail to clinton at this domain name to learn more!